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wv-studio: Water sports pavilion, 's-Hertogenbosch

Water sports pavilion

Club house and viewing platform
Status: Competition - nomination 
Year: 2010
Program: Club house for water sports and restaurant
Gross floor area: 310 m2
Location: 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
wv-studio: Water sports pavilion, 's-Hertogenbosch

The project is located at the shore of the Engelermeer, in the north-west of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.


Our aim was to design a pavilion that is more than just a shelter for a rowing or sailing club:  It is also an object that can be used by people to climb onto and use as a look-out. It is a public grandstand that can be used for rowing or sailing competitions and an amphitheatre where people can sit to watch the boats.

wv-studio: Water sports pavilion, 's-Hertogenbosch


The pavilion also functions as a wind-screen for the terrace on the waterside. On the landside the double-curve forms an entrance area with a meeting room, on the waterside there is a cafe with adjacent terrace. The shape of the building screens the terrace from the parking area.

wv-studio: Water sports pavilion, 's-Hertogenbosch



The shape of the building is designed so it can be used for much more than just providing shelter. From the parking lot the building curves to form a sweeping stair up to a viewing platform



The whole roof of the building can be used as a grand stand for large groups.


The sweeping curve on the lake side creates a stepped seating area to sit and view the boats.


The building curves around a terrace area on the lake side providing shelter from the wind.

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