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Pharmacy Hennef Germany

Refurbishment of a 19th century apartment
Status: completion
Year: 2012
Program: Refurbishment
Gross floor area: 120 m2 store + 220 m2 clinic 
Location: Hennef, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

The redevelopment of the the station area in Hennef adding a number of shops to the city centre was the reason for our Client to upgrade this pharmacy at the Frankfurter Strasse.

Replacing the existing building by a bigger one gave room for a combination of the pharmacy on the ground floor and a General Practitioner Clinic on the first floor. The existing building included an underpass connecting the Frankfurter Strasse with the new shopping centre. The new development uses this connection to provide access to the front door of the Clinic above. This will guarantee enough footfall of which the pharmacy will benefit. The facade of the clinic on the first and second floor will be white prefab concrete and will provide a marker in the Frankfurter strasse for the pharmacy below .

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The corporate colors of the Maltheser Pharmacy are Red and White. As these colours are associated with pharmacies in Germany they are also used in the interior of the shop. The main feature in the pharmacy interior is a big red pharmacy cabinet that curves like  a red ribbon from the front of the shop all the way to the back. Next to being storage for medication the red cabinet also provides a visual backdrop for the pharmacists. Opposite the red pharmacy cabinet white shelving displaying products that do not require a prescription. The red cabinet and the white shelving conceal lighting which lights the wall behind. In addiiton the sholving has intergrated lighting to light the products. Ths ensures a view from the street deep into the shop interior, even in bright daylight. In front of these two furniture pieces lower displays and the pharmacy counter show additional products. 



The entrance lobby to the clinic on the first floor is located between the shop and the underpass. From this lobby there is a direct connection to the pharmacy via a glass door. A patient coming from the clinic above can directly get the prescribed medicine in the pharmacy without leaving the building.



The top floor of the building is an apartment. As regulation for gutterheight is very strict in Hennef this floor had to be set back from teh front facade below Leaving space for a balcony above the Frankfurter Strasse. 

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